Site policy


By using this website, you agree to the following terms and conditions.



No guarantee is given as to the completeness and accuracy of the information contained on this website.
No responsibility is assumed for any problems, losses or damages that may arise from the use or browsing of this website. The information on this website is subject to change without notice. Please be aware of this beforehand.


個人的な利用など著作権法によって認められる場合を除き、著作権者の事前の許可なく、これらの情報を利用 (複製、改変、配布、公衆送信等を含みます。) することはできません。

All text, illustrations, logos, photographs, videos, software and all other information on this website are copyrighted by RENDAN or third parties.
Except in cases permitted by copyright law, such as personal use, the use (including reproduction, alteration, distribution, public transmission, etc.) of this information without the prior permission of the copyright holder is prohibited. The use of this information (including reproduction, modification, distribution, public transmission, etc.) is prohibited.



Links to this website, whether commercial or non-commercial, are in principle free and no prior notification is required.
However, depending on the content of this website and the manner of linking, links may be refused.
Please note that the URL of this website is subject to change without prior notice.

Access analysis tools

当サイトでは、Googleによるアクセス解析ツール「Google Analytics」を使用しています。
「Google Analytics」ではCookieを使用し、個人を特定する情報を含まずにログを収集しております。
Google アナリティクスにより収集されるログは、Google社の プライバシーポリシーに基づいて管理されます。

This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google.
Google Analytics" uses cookies to collect logs without including information that identifies individuals.
The logs collected by Google Analytics are managed in accordance with Google's privacy policy.

How to reject cookies

「Google Analytics」による収集を拒否したい場合は、ブラウザの設定からCookieを無効にすることで可能です。

Cookies on your device will remain on your device until you delete them yourself or until they expire.
If you wish to refuse collection by "Google Analytics", you can do so by disabling cookies in your browser settings.
Please note that if you disable cookies, some website functions may not be available or some pages may not be displayed correctly.

Usage environment

当サイトは、Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Safariの最新バージョンでの閲覧を推奨しています。

The website is best viewed with the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.
Please note that the site can be viewed in environments other than these, but the layout may be corrupted and some functions may not be available.

Date of enactment: 1 August 2024